Thank you to all those who attended one of our two consultation events on phase two of the proposals for Beam Park.
On Monday 26th June, L&Q invited organisations to Beam Park for a 'Meet the Funder' event. The event marked the launch of the Beam Park Community Fund following a refresh of funding guidelines. The day consisted of a site walk around so organisations could see the area and the spaces available at Beam Park to use for events and resident engagement. L&Q went through the application forms and the guidance documents in detail advising of the requirements and expectations of the fund. Lunch was served and to conclude there was a showcase from the organisations themselves which included a summary of their work and how they could benefit Beam Park residents.
The Beam Park Community Fund offers funding of up to £10k to local groups and organisations to deliver projects that will benefit the residents of Beam Park. Projects that cover sports, arts, education, culture, music and community events are all welcomed.
If you want to know more about the Beam Park Community Fund please contact
Another 'Meet the Funder' event will be held in early 2024. Further details will follow.